Tuesday 23 April 2013

Organisation of my blog.

After I completed all my tasks, evaluation and my blog I decided to re-order my posts so that everything was presented in an organised manner. My evaluation is the first thing that is seen on my blog this is then followed by each ancillary task followed by its research, I am aware that the dates may not be the same as in order to have my blog set out this way I had to change the dates; therefore below is a list of more specific dates for which work was completed.

September: Newspaper research/ website research / poster research.

October: Newspaper designs/ website design/ poster design and market research.

November: Planning/ designs and time management.

December: Newspaper first draft and newspaper poster creation.

January: Final Newspaper front page and 2nd page.

February: Website and planning for evaluation.

March: Evaluation 1,2,3 and 4.

April: Final checks on blog and this blog post.

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