Monday 22 April 2013

Evaluation Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

By recording myself discussing why I think my local newspaper, website and poster are effective as a combination I was able to explain why they with justifications and examples. As I explained in my video I feel that they are all three products are effective in creating a brand and an identity as well as informing people of their local news. The newspaper and website advertise and inform people of the local facilities and services within Gosfield. I believe that the three publications offer different things to different readers for example the website is more attractive to younger people as it is easily accessible, free and interactive. As my website, paper and poster are attractive to different people I have in turn generate a large reader demographic, of different ages, sex etc. something I set out to do at the beginning of the task.
Here is a diagram of the similarities between the three publications, showing how they combine visually:


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