Wednesday 6 February 2013

Newspaper poster research.

In order to identify conventions of newspaper posters, I used the internet and Google images to see what they look like and the similarities they share. This ancillary task was difficult as unlike local newspapers and websites, posters are not very common or well recognised. Therefore my newspaper poster may not follow typical conventions of local newspaper posters as there are few examples, also I wanted to challenge the conventions and make my own unique brand and poster. The conventions I can visually identify from this collage is that the posters seem to advertise main stories and headlines rather than the newspaper itself, it appears to be san serif black font with a white background and the house colours of the local newspaper. What I like about the posters and would intend to use on my poster is the use of house colours and brand identify; my masthead and colours will be present on the local newspaper poster. In my opinion the posters do not appear very eye catching or sell the local area or newspaper very well, they are very deceptive and not very informative. I feel that my poster will represent the local area and will be informative of what the local paper has to offer.

Although The Independent is not a local newspaper I have taken inspiration from their poster advertisement. I like the simplicity yet informative style of the poster, the colours also match my house colours and masthead. I also feel that the poster is unique and different to all the other newspaper posters I have researched, the most common form of poster advertisement appears to be headlines of the stories which feature in the weeks issue of the local newspaper. Although it may work for local newspapers that are already established and well known, Gosfield gazette is a brand new, unknown newspaper therefore I feel that my poster advertisement needs more information and connectivity for its readers.

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