Monday 11 February 2013

Ideas/plans for my newspaper poster advert

In order to map my ideas for my advertisement I decided to draw a rough sketch of my layout then mind map the finer details. I have challenged normal newspaper advertisements as I felt just having a headline advertising a newspaper was boring and uninformative.  I have also been original and creative with my poster as I have added modern technology through a smartphone app, social networking sites and a barcode offering a discounted price for the paper. Everything on the poster is purposefully placed to attractive readers and buyers, I used the same font colours and masthead to create an identity for the newspaper, to allow people to recognise the newspaper whether it be on paper or online. I wanted to not only create a newspaper, a poster and a website but a brand something the locals could be proud of and identify with.
My poster also shows off Gosfield's landscape representing what Gosfield is all about so the readers could connect with the papers aim - to report their local news. I believe my advertisement is fresh, eye catching and smart setting a bench mark for the rest of the paper, my reader feedback have also confirmed that the poster would encourage them to purchase the newspaper, they also felt it was different then any other poster they had seen for a newspaper.

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