Monday 28 January 2013


This is my website, I decided to record my website to show you all the features that it has. I used the same mast head and colours as my newspaper as I felt it would create a corporate and professional product. I decided to use a video advertisement from advertising a local shopping centre, I did this as through research other local papers such as the Halstead Gazette did this I also felt it was creative and interactive. I placed an image of my newspaper front page this would change each week to match the paper so people would know what to look for when shopping, it also advertises the newspaper through the website. I decided to put a slideshow showing the local weather and storylines, this allows the reader to flick through and see stories at their own pace. At the bottom of my Homepage I added a `have you say' box where people can write in and share their views and stories, this is typical of local newspaper websites.

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