Wednesday 30 January 2013

Reader feedback on my website.

I asked locals of all different age ranges to comment on my website, many said they like how interactive and creative the website was. One girl said she liked how clear the website was as well as the links to the social networking site. Many liked how similar it was to the newspaper as they felt it created a brand and an identity. Others said they wanted to see more stories on the homepage of different genre and mix such as sport, politics etc. Over all everyone felt that the website was effective, easy to use and informative. I think my website is successful as it is clear, fresh and interactive it links to the newspaper and fits all ages. I believe it is easy to use and unique with its photo slide show and my own created adverts. Below is a couple of images to prove my research and feedback took place, one from an 18 year old female and a 40 year old male; showing responses from different sexes and age rangers.

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