Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Organisation of my blog.

After I completed all my tasks, evaluation and my blog I decided to re-order my posts so that everything was presented in an organised manner. My evaluation is the first thing that is seen on my blog this is then followed by each ancillary task followed by its research, I am aware that the dates may not be the same as in order to have my blog set out this way I had to change the dates; therefore below is a list of more specific dates for which work was completed.

September: Newspaper research/ website research / poster research.

October: Newspaper designs/ website design/ poster design and market research.

November: Planning/ designs and time management.

December: Newspaper first draft and newspaper poster creation.

January: Final Newspaper front page and 2nd page.

February: Website and planning for evaluation.

March: Evaluation 1,2,3 and 4.

April: Final checks on blog and this blog post.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Evaluation 1 : In what ways does your media product use, develop or challange forms and conventions of real media products?

I decided to share my ideas in a creative way acting out a interview with the editor of Gosfield Gazette.

Evaluation Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

By recording myself discussing why I think my local newspaper, website and poster are effective as a combination I was able to explain why they with justifications and examples. As I explained in my video I feel that they are all three products are effective in creating a brand and an identity as well as informing people of their local news. The newspaper and website advertise and inform people of the local facilities and services within Gosfield. I believe that the three publications offer different things to different readers for example the website is more attractive to younger people as it is easily accessible, free and interactive. As my website, paper and poster are attractive to different people I have in turn generate a large reader demographic, of different ages, sex etc. something I set out to do at the beginning of the task.
Here is a diagram of the similarities between the three publications, showing how they combine visually:


Sunday, 21 April 2013

Evaluation Q3 : What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

 I decided to film my audience's feedback as it was a different way of showing my responses. I also felt that I could compare the recordings to see what I had learnt. My responses (videos) are from three different ages and of two different sexes,  I did this to see what different groups of people felt about Gosfield Gazette to see if I was meeting the needs of my readers.


 I also decided to blog the views of other readers of different ages and sex, people that didn't wish to be filmed but wanted to express their views. It is also another way to show their responses and compare them, both video and speech bubbles are effective in showing me what I have learnt in my creation of Gosfield gazette.

Evaluation Q4: How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluating stages?